Experience professional and life-changing psycho-spiritual therapy, counselling, and holistic health services designed to optimise mental, emotional, physical, and transpersonal well-being. With decades of proven results, we’ve transformed the health and lives of more than 30,000 individuals through evidence-based, integrative interventions.
Certified Gurmat Psycho-spiritual therapist
Accredited Right-Mindfulness teacher
Prabhmeet has been working in the corporate sector for over 20 years. He has been involved in mental health and wellbeing of individuals in corporate and private settings. He has a special interest in bringing an understanding on how the mind impacts all aspects of health as well as creating meaning and purpose in life. Prabhmeet has personal experience of anxiety and stress in the family and at work. Prabhmeet has chaired a large ESG network and is often invited to prestigious organisations as a guest speaker, host or panel expert on bringing self-sovereignty and self-expression, empathetic leadership and how stress is connected to the mind.
Specialism: Mental health, Anxiety, Corporate and personal stress reduction, Empathetic leadership, Bringing meaning and purpose, Self-sovereignty, self-image and self-expression.

Prabhmeet has been on an internal journey to experience self-sovereignty. This state brings with it a feeling of contentment and harmony. Living in a way to be free to express who you are with no fear of judgement by others. This brings the benefit of speaking your mind and not keeping things locked up, which then has associated health benefits. Within a corporate setting, this means your voice can be ‘heard’ in meetings and for key decisions giving you a better ability to lead teams but also make a mark on influencing management upwards.
Prabhmeet has a close family member who has suffered from severe anxiety for over 30 years. A mugging a knifepoint in their 20’s left this person housebound and eventually falling into depression. The mugging itself lasted less than three minutes and less than £20 was stolen but has had a life changing impact on the individual. After spending some time with Prabhmeet, this individual made significant strides in living a much more normal life “I can do things again after 30 years that I never thought possible. I tried all types of treatments even down to hypnosis and nothing seemed to work. Understanding how my mind works, I can spot it wondering off and come back to being present”.
Prabhmeet has worked in highly stressful corporate environments. Roles that have extreme pressure and constant deadlines to deliver with consequences; financially and reputational, for failure. He has witnessed at first hand, team members passing away in the office who have overworked and been stressed without an outlet to talk. Having been through stress himself and the associated health damage, Prabhmeet has developed necessary techniques to recognize stress early and take steps to reduce it.
Sign up for a bespoke holistic health prescription enabling you to cultivate health, healing and wholeness. After completing a full whole health assessment, we will prescribe you an evidence-based tailored prescription, based on your individual health needs bringing together 1-2-1 Transpersonal Therapy, Right-mindfulness based health intervention (samasatti), Authentic Compassion-based interventions, Qi Gong Therapy, Right-Yoga Therapy (embodied), Breath (Pranayama) Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Nutrition (Science of healing) and other Integral health therapies.